Why Dental Veneers Are a Popular Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Why Dental Veneers Are a Popular Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Mar 01, 2021

Dental flaws can taint your smile and get in the way of your happiness. However, thanks to modern dentistry, there isn’t a smile that our dentist in Claremont, NH, cannot revamp.

Our cosmetic dentist near you offers many solutions to fix minor dental flaws. Dental veneers in Claremont are among the most sought-after options, but with good reason. They are an inexpensive and cutting-edge solution for anyone who desires to put their best foot forward.

Let’s dive a little deeper so that you can learn more about dental veneers in Claremont, NH.

Understanding Dental Veneers

If you want to correct certain issues such as chipped or stained teeth, our cosmetic dentist near you may recommend getting dental veneers. The reason is simple. Veneers are designed to be thin so that they can cover the flawed tooth. They are tooth-colored shells that look like your natural teeth.

Veneers are thin, light, and tooth-colored. However, if they are fixed directly on your teeth, they can be bulky and uncomfortable. Therefore, our dentist has to shave off some enamel so that the veneers can fit without adding bulk to your teeth. The procedure is quick and straightforward.

However, your enamel will not grow back, so this means that the procedure is permanent. If you decide that you want to go for dental veneers, know that the procedure is irreversible. Regardless, most people still opt for veneers because they are less invasive when compared to dental crowns.

Our cosmetic dentist offers the following types of veneers:

  • Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are referred to as indirect veneers since they are fabricated in a lab. This means that they are customized to fit snugly on your pearly whites. You will get your teeth revamped after two dental visits.

These veneers are worth the price as they are durable and can last for over 15 years if you take good care of them. They also possess an amazing aesthetic appeal, hence the reason why most people go for them. Another plus is that they are more stain-resistant than composite veneers.

  • Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are also known as direct veneers since they are directly bonded on your teeth and not created in a lab. They are made from plastic (resin). With proper oral care, they can serve you for at least seven years. They are less expensive than porcelain veneers. However, they are thinner, so there is no need to remove a lot of enamel.

What Dental Flaws Can They Fix?

Dental veneers are an excellent treatment if you desire to fix any of the following issues:

  • Severely discolored teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Uneven or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Gaps in between your pearly whites

How Are Dental Veneers Fixed?

As mentioned before, there are two types of veneers. Therefore, depending on your choice, the procedure may take one or two visits. However, if you had your veneers prefabricated, then it will take only one visit. This is the general procedure:

  1. Our dentist will clean your teeth so that the perfect shade can be determined.
  2. Afterward, our dentist will remove some of your enamel to create space for the veneers.
  3. An impression of your teeth will be made so that the veneer can be fabricated.
  4. A temporary veneer will be placed.
  5. When the permanent veneer is ready, the temporary veneer will be removed.
  6. Your teeth will be cleaned with pumice and water.
  7. The veneer will be etched and then rinsed with water.
  8. Your teeth will be roughened so that the veneer can adhere properly.
  9. A special cement will be placed on the veneer.
  10. The veneer will be fixed on your teeth and then let to cure under a special light.
  11. After it hardens, the extra cement will be removed.
  12. The surface of the veneer will be polished to give it a natural sheen.

And just like that, you’ll have a brandnew smile. With proper care, you can enjoy your new smile for many years to come. Contact our dental practice near you, Claremont Dental Group, to schedule a consultation for dental veneers.

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